
Generating Multiple PDF at Once: A use case of Rmarkdown render in a purrr loop

As my previous post about using docx template to create PDF with Rmarkdown files had quite a success, people might be interested by more content on how I use Rmarkdown files in my daily activities.

Generate PDF documents with a docx letter template

Like you, I am learning new possibilities with Rmarkdown every day, literally. Here is one that I would like to share with you: Generating PDF documents with a docx letter template.

Identifying student collaboration with network clusters

I recently gave to my students a data science assignment with a dataset to do some data wrangling, descriptive statistics and hypotheses testing. In order to give some context to the dataset, I also asked them to write a short introduction and to formulate hypotheses supported by academic references.

How to make an interactive tutorial to teach R?

Learning is changing quickly, very quickly. With the advancement of technologies and with the help of unexpected game changer events, the future of learning is becoming online rather than onsite.

My Data Analytics for Behavioural Research presentation: Theory, Introduction to R and Data Processing

I was recently asked to give a 3 sessions lecture about Data Analytics for Behavioural Research. As it is difficult to have a broader topic, I’ve decied to present my favorite research topic: the data science of emotions.

`dplyrshortcut` package: How to create keyboard shortcuts for dplyr functions on RStudio IDE

People are saying that if you are repeating a code more than twice, then make a function for it. The idea of dplyrshortcut is that if you are using a function more than twice, then use a keyboard shortcut.

How to organize a wedding with R: google place API, google drive, web scraping and automatic emails

Organizing a wedding is … challenging but as Rusers we do have a major asset! One of the most challenging part is to find a venue.

Time series clustering with Dynamic Time Warping (Part 2)

Like every good movies, my previous blog post “Time series clustering with Dynamic Time Warping” deserves a sequel. In this Part 2, I will have a look at the athletes’ training plan for a marathon.

A simple introduction to statistical test and statistical significance

Recently I was asked to make a short presentation about how to introduce the idea of statistical test and statistical significance to students in marketing. The timing was very good because I just had red a blog post written by Stephen B.

Time series clustering with Dynamic Time Warping

Many solutions for clustering time series are available with R and as usual the web is full of nice tutorials like Thomas Girke’s blog post, Rafael Irizarry and Michael Love’s book, Andrew B.