Identifying student collaboration with network clusters

I recently gave to my students a data science assignment with a dataset to do some data wrangling, descriptive statistics and hypotheses testing. In order to give some context to the dataset, I also asked them to write a short introduction and to formulate hypotheses supported by academic references. While the focus of the assignment is not on these references, I found suspicious that some students used the exact same references while changing the text to bypass plagiarism software.

I was very curious to see if it is possible to identify groups of students using the same references. I came across a very interesting blog post by María Medina Pérez called “Graph Theory 101 with corruption cases in Spain”. I won’t say that my students are involved in corruption cases but there are some similarities in the process: each student correspond to a case and each author reference correspond to an accused. By following this principle, it is possible to map the network of relationship of shared author references between students.

Data Wrangling

First, let’s load the packages:

library(tidyverse) # data wrangling function + pipe
library(pdftools) # pdf scrapping
library(here) # relative project paths
library(combinat) # combination of vectors
library(igraph) # network analysis and vitalization
library(fs) # batch path processing

Then, let’s read some data taken from student’s references section. To make it easy in this post, the data are already saved in a .csv file but you will find my procedure to obtain this table here below commented:

# # function -------------------------------------------------------------------
# pdf_process <- function(file_path){
#   file_text <- pdf_text(file_path)
#   file_text[length(file_text)] %>% 
#     str_split("\r\n", n = Inf, simplify = TRUE) %>% 
#     t() %>% 
#     as_tibble() %>% 
#     rename(ref = V1) %>% 
#     mutate(ref_date = str_extract(ref, "(?<=\\().+?(?=\\))") %>% as.numeric) %>% 
#     filter(between(ref_date, 1455, format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))) %>% 
#     mutate(
#       first_author = 
#         str_extract(ref, "^[^\\(]+") %>% # split by opening brackets
#         str_replace_all("[^[:alnum:] ]", "") %>% # remove all non-letter
#         str_squish() %>% # trim beginning white spaces
#         word(sep = fixed(" ")), # keep only first word
#       id = stri_rand_strings(1, 5) # generate random string
#     )
# }
# # data -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# data_raw <- "./assignment/individual_report/submission" %>% 
#   dir_ls(regexp = "\\.pdf$", recurse = TRUE) %>% 
#   path_filter(regexp = "\\_dd.pdf$", invert = TRUE) %>% 
#   map_dfr(pdf_process) %>%
#   write_csv(here("data/data_raw.csv"))

data_raw <- here("static/files/data_network.csv") %>% 

list_unique_author <- unique(data_raw$first_author) # author used in the reference section
list_unique_id <- unique(data_raw$id) # student custom ID for anonymity

Now we have a list of authors and a list of student IDs, we are going to build two main dataframes: * A dataframe that combines all the possible pairs of authors and measure how many times they appears together in the same document (called authors_same_id_df) * A dataframe that combines all the possible pairs of students IDs and measure how many authors they have in common (called ids_same_author_df)

Basic Network of Shared IDs

To proceed, create a vector of all IDs having more than one author and count how many times a pair of author appears in a student ID:

shared_id <- data_raw %>% 
  select(first_author, id) %>% 
  count(id) %>% 
  filter(n > 1) %>% 

authors_same_id_df <- data_raw %>%
  select(first_author, id) %>% 
  filter(id %in% shared_id) %>% 
  group_by(id) %>%
  summarise(combn(first_author, 2) %>% t %>% %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
  count(V1, V2) %>% 
  rename(author_1 = V1, author_2 = V2)

Then, use the package {igraph} to create a basic network from the dataframe by using the function … graph_from_data_frame(). The second step consist in using the function E() to weight the edges of the network according the number of times that a pair of author appears in student IDs:

g_common_id <- authors_same_id_df[, c("author_1", "author_2")] %>% 
    directed = FALSE,
    vertices = unique(data_raw$first_author)
E(g_common_id)$weight <- authors_same_id_df$n

Basic Network of Shared Authors

Similarly, create a vector of all authors that appear in more than one student ID document and count how many authors are shared by pairs of student IDs:

shared_author <- data_raw %>% 
  select(first_author, id) %>% 
  count(first_author) %>% 
  filter(n > 1) %>% 

ids_same_author_df <- data_raw %>%
  select(first_author, id) %>% 
  filter(first_author %in% shared_author) %>% 
  group_by(first_author) %>%
  summarise(combinat::combn(id, 2) %>% t %>% %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
  count(V1, V2) %>% 
  rename(id_1 = V1, id_2 = V2)

Same principle, creating a graph network of shared authors between pairs of IDs and weighing by occurrences:

g_common_author <- ids_same_author_df[c("id_1", "id_2")] %>% 
    directed = FALSE,
    vertices = unique(data_raw$id)
E(g_common_author)$weight <- ids_same_author_df$n

Clusters in Network of Shared Authors

Because we are more interest in grouping similarity between students’ document, the following code aims to identify clusters in student IDs’ network.

Connected Components

By using the functions components() and sizes(), the objective is to bring together nodes that are strongly connected (high density of shared authors).

components_author <- components(g_common_author)
components_author_sizes <- sizes(components_author)

Induced Subgraphs

In order to organize the final plot, it is essential to remove all relationships with only 1 element. Then, two subgraphs are prepared one containing all the connections g_author_plots (minus weak relationships) and one containing only the strongest connections g_author_plot1. Finally, the layout of the final graph is prepared with student IDs connections in layout_id_plot1 using the layout_nicely() function.

components_plots <- which(components_author_sizes > 1)
g_author_plots <- g_common_author %>% 
    vids = which(membership(components_author) %in% components_plots)

biggest_plot <- which.max(components_author_sizes)
g_author_plot1 <- g_common_author %>% 
    vids = which(membership(components_author) == biggest_plot)

id_plot1 <- subset(data_raw, id %in% V(g_author_plot1)$name)
g_id_plot1 <- g_common_id %>% 
    vids = id_plot1$first_author
layout_id_plot1 <- layout_nicely(g_id_plot1)

Centrality Measures

{igraph} also provides an easy network clustering function called cluster_walktrap(). This function will define the clusters in the network to draw the circles.

comm_id_plot1 <- cluster_walktrap(g_id_plot1, steps = 50)

Final Plot

In the end a plot from base R is more than enough to display the clusters of students whose reference sections share a lot of similarities:

  layout = layout_id_plot1,
  vertex.label = NA,
  vertex.size = 3

Damien Dupré
Damien Dupré
Assistant Professor of Business Research Methods

My research interests relies on time-series analyses of psychological and physiological measures.